
Car Overheats When AC Is On And Idling: Causes And Solutions

Has it at any point happened to you that your Car Overheats When AC Is On, but when you switched on the forced air system, the temperature check crossed as far as possible? Showing that your vehicle overheats when ac is on.

It’s typical for certain vehicles to arrive at a raised temperature for a brief timeframe while the motor is running and the climate control system blower is on (it takes additional power from the motor to pack the refrigerant). Yet, when the blower is off, it shouldn’t get more blazing than expected.

For what reason does it work out? Before you can comprehend this, earlier information roundabout things is required. One is the cooling arrangement of your vehicle, and the other one is the coolant framework.


Cooling Frameworks in Current Vehicles

Car Overheats When AC Is On

Cars frequently have their own understanding of a climate control system which works about equivalent to far as cooling goes however might not have every one of the extra parts that a regular AC framework would have.

The principal parts are the blower, condenser loops, extension valve, evaporator curls, and beneficiary/drier. These parts work on a similar fundamental standard of the refrigeration cycle.

The cooling framework is a shut circle, fixed framework that utilizes a refrigerant to “condition” the air within the vehicle.

The blower changes the low-pressure gas from the evaporator into a higher-pressure gas that can be moved all through the framework under tension. It then goes to the condenser loops and surrenders its intensity to the condenser curls beyond the warmed space.

The refrigerant then happens to the development valve, where it goes through a strain drop and turns into a low-pressure fluid that is sent back through the evaporator once more.

These normal parts cooperate to chill you by eliminating stickiness from the air within the vehicle. In the mid year, moistness is a hot ware that can cause your vehicle to feel a lot more sultry than it truly is with regards to how “agreeable” you are in the vehicle.

Cooling Arrangement of a Vehicle

car air conditioning

Before we harp on why a vehicle overheats when ac is on, you should know how a vehicle’s cooling framework functions. Vehicle overheating is an immediate consequence of the coolant framework disappointment.

In a vehicle, different parts cooperate to direct the temperature inside the lodge. The cooling framework works close by these parts to keep a consistent temperature while driving in summer and keep away from the outrageous intensity that might possibly harm your vehicle.

Cooling Fan

The cooling fan conforms to the vehicle’s wind stream so it can accelerate or dial back as per the temperature of the motor. This guarantees that the motor is cooled consistently. The cooling fan speeds up when the inside of your vehicle becomes more sultry than ordinary as well as the other way around. It guarantees that the motor is cooled consistently so it doesn’t overheat.

Water Pump

The water siphon in vehicles is the motor’s drive unit, driven by a belt from the driving rod. This siphon supplies water to the cooling framework and meaningfully affects motor oil, which happens in a different oil sump.

The siphon has a channel through which the coolant passes prior to going into the radiator.

The liquid inside your motor is kept up with by a siphon that gets its energy to work from the tension made by the development of turns brought about by the motor’s revolution.


A fluid to-air heat exchanger frequently called a radiator, is one of the most essential ways of eliminating waste intensity from a motor.

A fluid coolant goes through tubes in the radiator, and the coolant depletes its intensity to the inflowing air as it disregards balances that reach out into the airstream. The air is then ousted out the rear of the vehicle, and the coolant is gotten back to the motor.

The motor coolant is a combination of water and ethylene glycol or water and propylene glycol. In this way, the liquid returning into the motor is a combination of these two synthetics in a specific extent.

Indoor regulator

The indoor regulator is one part of your vehicle’s cooling framework that attempts to keep up with the motor temperature. The indoor regulator answers changes in coolant temperature by directing how frequently the coolant framework is permitted to “cycle” here and there.

In the event that the indoor regulator comes up short, it might either open excessively fast or remain open excessively lengthy, bringing about overheating the motor.

Why My Car Overheats When AC is On?

Assuming your vehicle overheats when ac is on, it very well may be because of the accompanying reasons:

  1. Deficient Motor Coolant Sensor
  2. AC Blower Over-burden
  3. Flawed Water Siphon
  4. Flawed Fan, Fan Switch, and Fan Engine
  5. Stopped up Condenser Balances
  6. Allow us to make sense of these reasons a little:

1. Flawed Motor Coolant Sensor

The coolant temperature sensor’s responsibility is to monitor the motor’s working temperature. The ECM (Electronic Control Module) utilizes this data alongside outside air and admission temperatures to decide basic motor boundaries. The ECM can’t as expected capability without the coolant temperature sensor.

On the off chance that the motor coolant temperature sensor turns sour, it will report some unacceptable coolant temperature to the ECU. Thus, the coolant framework’s working is compromised, and you could encounter that motor overheats when ac is on.

2. AC Blower Over-burden

A blower is the foundation of the vehicle’s cooling. The blower’s primary occupation is to expand the strain of the refrigerant. A faltering ac blower wouldn’t have the option to accurately finish the work.

The air conditioner blower draws power from the result shaft of the motor. At the point when the blower turns sour, it puts a rotational burden on the motor shaft. An expanded motor burden is the reason for motor overheating.

Subsequently, you should post for a specialist in this situation and get your ac blower fixed.

3. Faulty Water Pump

In the event that your Car consistently overheats when ac is on, it very well may be because of a frail or bombing water siphon. The occupation of the coolant siphon is to keep up with the motor temperature. It does as such by siphoning the coolant combination in water coats around the motor compartment.

A terrible coolant siphon brings about an inept cooling framework. Assuming the motor cooling framework fizzles, you will get denied of cool air in the vehicle’s lodge.

In this manner, assuming your Car Overheats When AC Is On, you should really look at the siphon’s wellbeing.

4. Defective Fan, Fan Switch, and Fan Engine

Cooling fans guarantee smooth intensity move between the motor coolant and the external air. While the cooling aficionados of your vehicle are not working accurately, you will encounter overheating issues.

A flawed motor fan is likewise the main source of motor overheating when ac is on. The vehicle ac framework overburdens the motor. Therefore, heat is being created at higher rates.

The coolant framework needs to work considerably more diligently to eliminate the exorbitant intensity. While the supporting part, similar to the cooling fan, goes out, the possibilities of vehicle overheating are increased.

Various issues with cooling fans can cause vehicle overheating. Like the sharp edges of the fan might have become twisted. Or on the other hand the fan switch that is liable for turning on the fan could have turned sour. Essentially, the disappointment of the cooling engine can likewise be the guilty party.

5. Stopped up Condenser Balances

AC condenser is the part where hot refrigerant loses its intensity. Therefore, cooling happens. On the off chance that your Car Overheats When AC Is On, it very well may be an immediate consequence of the condenser disappointment.

However, a more normal explanation is soil and garbage caught in the condenser’s blades. In the event that the balances on the condenser are obstructed, the intensity move cycle wouldn’t be as productive.

This comes down on the forced air system, bringing about an overheated motor.

How To Fix Car Overheating When AC is on?

Assuming that your Car Overheats When AC Is On, you can stay away from it through different means. You need to heed the guidance given underneath, and most presumably, your issue will be settled.

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Really look at the Cooling Framework

Assuming you think your motor is overheating, the primary thing you ought to do is check out at your cooling framework.

There are a few sections to your cooling component, yet we’ll zero in on the radiator and hoses for our motivations here. Your radiator should be looking great and not obstructed. The hoses ought to be flexible and liberated from spills and so forth.

In the event that you’ve checked your cooling framework it’s actually overheating, the following thing to do is get in the engine of your vehicle and investigate your radiator cap.

At the point when you see steam coming up from the radiator, before it gets to the highest point of the motor compartment (i.e., before the windshield) and when you drive gradually for some time with your warmer on maxing out – it most likely implies that your radiator cap is stuck closed and not working as expected.

Refill Coolant

More often than not, the issues connected with the cooling of the vehicle are caused because of low coolant levels. You should simply take a look at the coolant on time and top off it as indicated by the need. Do this, and you can keep away from vehicle overheating.

In the event that your coolant level is decreased more than expected, you really want to check for a coolant spill too. In the event that a break is found, you should flush out the old coolant, fix the spillage, and pour in the new coolant.

Really take a look at Refrigerant

In the event that your vehicle overheats when ac is on, you should really look at the tension of refrigerant in the air conditioner of your vehicle.

In the event that enough strain of the refrigerant isn’t kept up with, the air conditioner needs to strive to accomplish the ideal temperature. It draws additional power from the motor shaft, because of which you might encounter vehicle overheating.

Administration Climate control system

Get your climate control system adjusted in the event that your Car Overheats When AC Is On. A convenient help precludes the chance of stopped up condenser blades, an obstructed radiator, low refrigerant or coolant level, and many such issues.

Consequently, assuming your vehicle overheats when ac is on, you should rest assured that it isn’t because of the above issues. You should begin looking past this extension.

Parts Replacement

In the event that no above arrangement is finishing the work for you, the main feasible choice you are left with is the substitution of possibly blemished parts. You can take a stab at supplanting the accompanying parts to keep away from vehicle overheating:

  • AC Blower Substitution – $1,200-$3,500
  • AC Condenser Fan Substitution – $200-$900
  • Water Siphon Substitution – $200-$1,300
  • Coolant Temperature Switch (Sensor) Substitution – $100-$500

Any of these substitutions could address your issue of vehicle overheating.

Final Words

Any vehicle overheats when its coolant framework isn’t working proficiently. Assuming your Car Overheats When AC Is On, it very well may be because of a few reasons. Yet, it would boil down to one and one thing as it were. Which is that turning on the air conditioner had overburdened the motor result shaft.

The expanded rotational burden likewise caused an expansion in the intensity age paces of the motor. The cooling component couldn’t eliminate this unnecessary measure of intensity. Also, this brought about an overheated vehicle.

Obviously, vehicle overheating may be caused because of a bombed water siphon, a terrible coolant temperature sensor, stopped up radiator, obstructed condenser balances, a broken cooling fan engine, or a flawed ac blower grip.

The vast majority of these issues are tackled during the cooling framework assessment and adjusting of the forced air system. Keep your coolant and refrigerant levels up to ordinary and try not to cool issues in your vehicle.

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