
Tesla Test Drive in United States : How To Schedule One

In today’s article, we’ll explain how to schedule a Tesla Test Drive, what to expect, and any other relevant details. It’s time to get down to business. In the past decade, no automaker has set the market on fire like Tesla Motors.

While most major automakers now offer electric vehicle (EV) models, Tesla is often credited with kicking off the EV industry and popularizing EVs. These days, you’d be hard pressed to go on a freeway drive and not spot at least a few Teslas. You may be curious about the experience of driving a Tesla or other electric vehicle if you’re considering making a purchase. Well, there’s no sense to speculate if you can book a test drive at a nearby dealership and see for yourself.

Tesla Test Drive

How to Test Drive a Tesla

The best way to try out a Tesla is to do it through the company. The good news is that you can easily set up a time for a test drive online. Even though some Tesla stores can take walk-ins, the company that makes electric vehicles (EVs) advises customers to plan ahead because appointments are limited.


  • A approved U.S. driver’s license
  • Must be at least 18 years old

How to set up a test drive for a Tesla

To set up a test drive for a Tesla, do the following:

  1. To make an appointment, go to This will take you to a page where you can choose the type you want to try out. You can pick from the Model S, the Model 3, the Model X, or the Model Y.
  2. Fill out the form below with your name, number to reach you at, email address, country, and zip code.
    When you’ve finished filling out the form, click “Submit and Continue.”
  3. Next, you choose the Tesla dealership closest to you by tapping “Choose a Tesla test drive near me.” The site will now use your location information to figure out which Tesla showroom is nearest to you.
  4. After deciding where you want to test drive your Tesla, choose a date and time.
  5. After that, Tesla will send you an email or call you to confirm your meeting and answer any other questions you may have. When your chosen date gets close, the representative will also remind you of your appointment.

What if you don’t live near a Tesla showroom?

Not a problem, since you can get behind the wheel of a Tesla in a number of other ways.

  • Test Drive Events: Tesla often has test drives in places where there are no stores. Check out to find out about Tesla events in your area.
  • Use the Turo app to rent a Tesla. If you live in California, you can rent a Tesla through the Turo service. Depending on the type, driving a Tesla every day could cost as much as $47 to $225. This is a great way to get a better feel for what it’s like to drive a Tesla since a 30-minute lesson isn’t really enough time.
  • You can rent a Tesla from Hertz, Enterprise, and other big rental companies. Teslas are so common now that even the biggest rental companies, like Hertz and Enterprise, have them in their fleets. But you can expect daily rates to be more expensive than your average renter.
  • Borrow from a Friend or Family Member: One of the best ways to drive a Tesla is to ask a friend or family member who owns one to let you borrow it. Tesla drivers are often very proud of their shiny, electric cars and will be happy to tell you what it’s like to drive one. On the other hand, many people wouldn’t be so happy to give you the key, especially since these cars are so expensive.
  • Even though Teslas can get you from A to B, they offer a different way to drive than cars that use a lot of gas. One of the most common things people say about driving a Tesla is that it goes really fast.
  • People often say that driving a Tesla is easy and fun. Test runs in a Tesla are now easier than ever to set up. Considering how expensive these electric cars are, it’s always good to be able to try them out first.

What to Expect on a Tesla Test Drive

Remember that you must have a legal driver’s license to take the test drive. Also, you can sign and fill out all the paperwork online, so you may not even have to go to the showroom. You can even bring someone with you to try out the Tesla. Here are some important steps for test driving in a Tesla:

  • Tesla suggests that drivers show up 10 minutes early. Test drives are limited and in high demand, so if you show up late, your meeting will likely be canceled. Get there early and check in to make sure.
  • When you check in with a Tesla guide, they will give you a sales pitch as they show you around the car. The salesman will tell you everything you need to know about the Tesla car you’re about to buy. Pay close attention to the sales pitch to get the most out of your test drive.
  • You will have 30 minutes to take the Tesla for a test drive. Get behind the wheel and look at how the inside is made and what it has. You can find directions, tutorials, and functions you need to know before you leave on the touchscreen in the middle of the dashboard.
  • Enjoy the test drive and learn how to drive a Tesla. Make a mental note if you have questions. Since rules have been softened now that the pandemic is over, the advisor is likely to be in the car with you. Before the pandemic, you had to drive alone.
  • Once the 30 minutes are up, you’ll have to bring the Tesla back to the store, where a salesperson will ask you about your experience. If you have any questions about how to drive or about the car in general, you can ask your Tesla assistant.
  • If the test drive is enough to convince you to buy a Tesla, your advisor will show you how to create and order your electric car.
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