
The Guide About Transmission Speed Sensor Location and Replacement

Depending on the model of transmission you drive, the transmission speed sensor Location may be anywhere but is typically situated close to the output shaft. It can be found externally in most car types, but it can also be located internally in some gearbox fluid pans.

Want to know where your car’s gearbox speed indicator is? We’ll show you where to find it and how to replace it on some popular car models.

Your car has a lot of systems that make sure everything works right. One of these indicators has something to do with the speed of the gearbox, and it can fail. If you want to fix your car yourself and need to change a part, you need to know where the gearbox speed sensor is.

Exactly, What The Transmission Speed Sensor is

Transmission Speed Sensor Location

The Transmission Speed Sensor Location, which is also called a vehicle speed sensor or an output shaft speed sensor, is a device used in cars to measure how fast the car is going. It is usually part of the transmission or axle system. It works by figuring out how fast a part, like the output shaft or transmission input shaft, is turning.

Based on the speed, the sensor sends electrical messages to the vehicle’s control module. The module uses the information to figure out things like when to shift for automatic transmissions, how the speedometer works, and how the cruise control works.

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The speed sensor can become less accurate over time.

It is important to make sure that the speed indicator in your car is working properly because it helps the computer system figure out exactly how fast your car is going. If the part breaks, your car could lose power or stop running altogether. It’s important to remember that regular wear and tear can cause the speed sensor to break down over time. It needs to be looked at often to make sure it’s working well.

If you can’t find the speed sensor, you should either look in the owner’s manual for your car or ask a professional mechanic for help. If you know where the speed sensor is, you can learn more about how your transmission works and keep it running smoothly.

Your car may have a speedometer wire instead of a speed sensor if it doesn’t have a speed sensor. A speedometer cable typically runs from the side of the transmission to the dashboard or instrument panel of your car. To get to the speedometer wire, you may need to take off a few parts, like trim panels and other things.

The metal housing and plastic covering of the speedometer wire make it easy to find. If you can’t find the speedometer cable, look in the repair guidebook for your car for more information. Once the speedometer wire is found, it can be taken off to check it or change it.

Where is the speed monitor in case something goes wrong? If the speed sensor is inside the gearbox housing, it may need to be changed by a trained technician. If this is the case, you should always call for help from a professional. If you try to get to it and fix it yourself, you could hurt yourself or cause damage that costs a lot of money.

The speed sensor is used to figure out how fast the car is going.

The speed sensor is used to figure out how fast the car is going.

The speed monitor is an important part of the electronic system of the car. It is in charge of figuring out how fast the car is going and telling the engine how to respond. Without a speed monitor that works, your car might not run right.

Most of the time, the speed gauge is near the output shaft on the transmission. This is because it needs to correctly measure how fast the car goes. It is usually a small, round device with a metal link on one end and a small electrical plug on the other.

When the speed sensor isn’t working right, you might have problems like less fuel economy or jerky acceleration. You might notice that the gauge isn’t working right sometimes. You can change the speed sensor yourself if you know a little bit about how cars work and have the right tools. It sends messages based on the speed to the vehicle’s control module, which uses the information to figure out things like when to shift for automatic transmissions, how the speedometer should read, and how the cruise control should work.

Where Is The Transmission Speed Sensor Location?

Depending on the make and type, the Transmission Speed Sensor Location anywhere from close to the output shaft to far away. It’s typically located outside the vehicle, though it can be found inside the transmission fluid pan in some vehicles.

The output shaft rotation is analyzed by the Transmission Speed Sensor Location to determine the vehicle’s velocity on the road. For pinpoint control, it cooperates with wheel speed sensors.

The transmission speed sensor location for some of the most common makes and models is listed below. If your model isn’t listed, see your service manual or do a quick web search to find its equivalent.


Many BMWs are equipped with input and output shaft sensors. The gearbox pan is a common location for both sensors. However, in many BMW models, the output sensor is situated externally, behind the transmission.

There is an input sensor close to the front of the pan and an output sensor near the back. For a diagram, please refer to the maintenance guide.

Ford F-150

A Ford F-150’s transmission rear is a common location for the truck’s vehicle speed sensor. Above the gearbox fluid pan on the driver’s side, next to the tail shaft.

It’s significantly less of a hassle to spot with a two-wheel drive truck. Getting to the front drive shaft on four-wheel drive versions may require removing the transfer case.


The configuration of a Honda car can also be a little bit tricky. Since the engine is mounted transversely in some Hondas, access to the speed sensor requires removing the air filter box.

When you take the cover off the transmission, you’ll see the sensor perched on it. More specific instructions are available in the service manual.

Cooper MINI

The speed sensor on MINI vehicles is often situated to the transmission’s right. It’s typically a plug-shaped accessory that’s put on the side.

This sensor is around three inches in length. It is simple to unplug because of the plug-and-play connection.


A sensor can be found at the base of the transmission in most Toyota vehicles. If it isn’t there, look to the side for it.

The speed sensor may or may not be conveniently located in your car. There are situations, though, when you should seek the assistance of a trained technician.


One sensor is found in some transfer cases fitted with Allison transmissions. Some models even have two of these, so it’s important to identify which one you have.

Both sensors are located in the back of the transfer case. A gadget with two sensors is used to attach them to the tail shaft.

How do you change the speed sensor in the transmission?

When the speed gauge breaks, you need to get a new one right away. You can do the work yourself if you have a few simple tools and know what you’re doing. Before you start working on your car, you should read through the service instructions.

Here are some general steps you can take when you are ready.

  1. Place the car on a level spot. Don’t touch the car until the engine has cooled down fully.
  2. Using a floor jack, raise the front of the car. Place jack stands under the car in the right places.
  3. Find the gauge for your vehicle’s type of transmission speed.
  4. Take off the wire that is connected to the speed gauge. You might have to push the tabs on both sides in.
  5. Take the sensor out of the case. A wrench or tool may be needed to do this.
  6. Put a new sensor in place of the old one. Turn it clockwise until it is locked in place.
  7. Plug the new sensor into the power plug.
  8. Bring the car down to the ground again.
  9. Take the car out for a spin to see if the problem is fixed.

If you don’t feel safe working on the speed sensor at any point, you should contact a professional mechanic in your area. You don’t want to take chances that could cause something else to break.

Cost of Replacing a Transmission Speed Sensor

You might spend between $75 and $450 to replace the transmission speed gauge. How much it costs varies on what kind of car you drive and where you live, because labor rates vary from place to place.

When you can, it’s usually best to change the Transmission Speed Sensor Location yourself. You could save a lot of money because the monitor might only cost $20 to $100.

So, keep in mind that not all sensors are easy to change. Before you start, read the service manual. You might have to take off a lot of parts just to get to the sensor.

Questions People Usually Ask

Is a transmission speed gauge easy to change?

In most cars, all you have to do is find the sensor and unplug it before putting in the new one. But some cars are set up in a different way that makes it hard to get to the sensor without taking off other parts. Read the service instructions for your car to find out what it needs.

What’s the difference between a speed monitor for the car and a speed sensor for the transmission?

The Transmission Speed Sensor Location is also called the VSS. Both of these terms refer to the small sensors that are attached to the transmission and use the spinning of the toothed wheel on the transmission shaft to figure out how fast your car is going. This sensor is different from the ones on your car’s wheels that tell you how fast you’re going.

How much does it cost to fix a speed monitor in a transmission?

At a local shop, replacing the Transmission Speed Sensor Location may cost between $75 and $450 on average. If you can change the sensor at home, you will only have to pay for the parts, which could cost between $20 and $100.

What happens when the monitor for the speed of the transmission breaks?

As the sensor breaks down, shifting gets harder and less reliable. The cruise control can also fail because it can’t figure out how fast the shaft is going. The Check Engine Light, which tries to tell you what’s wrong so you can fix it, may also come on.

In the end,

Most people who work on cars at home don’t have to change Transmission Speed Sensor Location every day. It’s not a part that breaks often. Because of this, you might not know where a broken part is, how to replace it, or what its signs are. Thanks to our detailed guide, you were able to figure out all of these things.

With a little patience, you can change the transmission speed sensor on your car and save money over going to a local repair shop. You don’t need a lot of knowledge; you just need to be willing to learn.

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